Established in 2009, we are a collaborative, interdisciplinary research project based at the University of Oxford with funding from The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation and the Arts and Humanities Research Council. We are using digital methods to reassemble and interpret the correspondence networks of the early modern period.

The Letter Catchers by Annaliese Stoney for Cultures of Knowledge (with inspiration from Pier Francesco Mola)
Early Modern Letters Online is our growing union catalogue of correspondence from the sixteenth, seventeenth, and eighteenth centuries. Developing EMLO is now at the heart of what we do.
Pilot Projects
Two case studies focusing on the epistolary networks of Samuel Hartlib and Jan Amos Comenius are supplying EMLO with research questions and fresh data, and vetting its digital solutions.
A rich programme of seminars, workshops, conferences, and focus groups is informing EMLO’s ongoing development and embedding it within a community of potential users and contributors.
We also curate an archive of epistolary Resources, and maintain an active Blog. Our continuing objective is to develop EMLO into a union catalogue increasingly representative of the early modern Republic of Letters as a whole, an invaluable research tool for those confronting epistolary data on all scales, and a platform for the collaborative reconstruction of the correspondence cultures of the early modern world.
Connect with Us
- Call us on +44 (0)1865 615026
- E-mail us at cofk[at]
- Tweet us @cofktweets
- Join our Mailing List
- Write to or visit us
Cultures of Knowledge
History Faculty
Old Boys’ High School
George Street